Artikel über CO2- Emissionen in Zement und Beton; und über über alternative Lösungen Limestone Calcined Clay Cement Database 01/01/2018 Limestone Calcined Clay Cement
ITA on Transdisciplinary Architecture with Jenny Sabin (Cornell University) 08/12/20 18:00 online event
Financial Attractiveness of LC3 K. Scrivener, A. Dekeukelaere, F. Avet, L. Grimmeissen Research 01/06/2019 École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)
A sustainable future for the European Cement and Concrete Industry Favier, Auréliecc De Wolf, Catherine Scrivener, Karen Habert, Guillaume Research 01/01/2018 ETH Zürich
Eco-efficient cements: No magic bullet needed Karen Scrivener Article 01/09/2019 Global Cement Magazine
LC3: a promising alternative K. Scrivener, F. Zunino, F. Avet, W. Hangpongpun, A. Dekeukelaere Research 01/07/2018 International Cement Review