In this report, we examine different scenarios to reduce CO2 emissions from cement production and minimise the cost of the remaining CO2 that must be captured to achieve overall carbon neutrality.
Dr. Aurélie FAVIER is senior scientist in materials chemistry in the Chair of Sustainable
Construction, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETHZ), Zürich, Switzerland.
Dr. Catherine DE WOLF is conducting postdoctoral research with Prof. Corentin Fivet on
embodied carbon impacts of structural design in Switzerland, in the Structural Xploration
Lab (SXL) within the smart living lab (HEIA Fribourg and EPFL, Switzerland), a research
and development centre for the built environment of the future.
Prof. Karen SCRIVENER is Professor and Head of Laboratory of Construction Materials,
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL), Lausanne.
Prof. Guillaume HABERT holds the Chair of Sustainable Construction and is associate
professor at the ETH Zürich.